What’s changing?

For contents and house insurance policy renewals and new business from 1 July 2024, the Fire and Emergency (FENZ) levy rate has increased as shown in the table below.


Current rate

New rate

Domestic buildings

  • $0.1066 per $100 Sum Insured.
  • Maximum of $106 per dwelling.
  • $0.1195 per $100 Sum Insured.
  • Maximum of $119.50 per dwelling.

Domestic contents

  • $0.1066 per $100 Sum Insured.
  • Maximum of $21.20 per risk.
  • $0.1195 per $100 Sum Insured.
  • Maximum of $23.90 per risk.

Vehicles with a gross laden weight (GLW) 3.5 tonne or under

  • $8.45 per vehicle.
  • $9.53 per vehicle.

Other property (includes Business Risks policies)

Levy is payable on property insured against the risk of fire in New Zealand. Property includes:

  • buildings
  • stock
  • plant and equipment
  • 0.106% of sum insured.
  • 0.1195% of sum insured.

Note: the above rates are exclusive of GST.

What is the FENZ levy?

The FENZ levy is used to fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand, so that they have the resources to respond to:

  • fires
  • floods
  • vehicle incidents
  • animal rescues
  • and more.

We are required by law to collect the levy and pass it on to FENZ.

Further information

You can find out more about the FENZ levy rate changes on the FENZ website.

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