We’re excited to announce that we’ve hit a big milestone of $2.5 billion funds under management (FUM) across the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme, MAS Retirement Savings Scheme, and new MAS Investment Funds. We feel this is an endorsement of support and trust from our members. 

In 2021, we removed our ‘restricted’ member status (or went ‘retail’), which meant we were able to market our products to a broader range of potential investors. Since then, we have focussed on improving our proposition.  

We have lowered our fees, maintained competitive investment returns, and have strengthened our responsible investing stance. We also have a diversified range of investment options with 7 actively managed funds for each of the KiwiSaver, Retirement Savings, and Investment Fund schemes to match your risk appetite and investment timeframe.  

We want our members, who are our owners as a mutual company, to feel supported in their investment decisions so have created tools like our Fund Finder and the KiwiSaver Retirement Calculator. We also provide monthly investment market updates so our members can stay updated with what’s happening worldwide and how that may affect their investments.  

We look forward to continuing to grow and enhance our investment offerings.  

We’re here to help 

If you have any questions about any of the MAS investment products, please email masinvest@linkmarketservices.com or call us on 0800 627 738. 

Medical Funds Management Limited is the manager and issuer of the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme, MAS Retirement Savings Scheme, and MAS Investment Funds. The Product Disclosure Statements are available at MAS KiwiSaver Scheme PDS, MAS Retirement Savings Scheme PDS, and MAS Investment Funds PDS

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