We would like to update you on the outcome of resolutions presented to Members at this year’s AGM held in Christchurch on Wednesday 28 August.

But firstly we’d like to thank those Members who took the time to participate in this important democratic process for our mutual. The numbers voting were significantly ahead of prior years, with the exception of 2018 where Members also considered the vote to establish our new Charity – now called the MAS Foundation.

A total of 395 eligible votes were cast for some or all of the resolutions proposed at Wednesday’s meeting. The vast majority of these were electronic and we appreciate the valuable feedback given by Members who voted and will incorporate this into next year’s process.

Turning now to decisions from the meeting:

Resolution: That the remuneration to be divided among all the Directors of MAS increases from $670,000 per annum to $690,000 per annum.
Outcome: approved.

Resolution: That Mr Alastair Hercus is re-appointed as a Commercial Trustee
Outcome: approved.

Resolution: That Mr Brett Sutton is re-appointed as a Commercial Trustee.
Outcome: approved.

Election of Practitioner Trustees: Three candidates were eligible to stand for election for two positions.  These candidates included the incumbents standing for re-election – Dr Frizelle and Dr Baddock. In addition, Dr Chhibber was eligible to stand.
Under the appointment and re-appointment policy, Trustees may choose to endorse one or more candidates on the basis that, in the Trustees’ view, they better meet the criteria for the role of Practitioner Trustee than other candidates standing for election.
The Board endorsed the re-election of Dr Frizelle and Dr Baddock as best meeting the criteria for the role.
Outcome: Dr Frizelle and Dr Baddock were re-elected.

Thank you again to those who took the time to participate in this year's AGM process. We look forward to updating you shortly on next steps for the MAS Foundation.

In the meantime, thanks to all our Members for trusting us to provide you the protection and support you need in your personal and professional life.

Martin Stokes


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