17 awesome hacks to make student life easier

By MAS Team

Student life can be hard.

Juggling study, work, and socializing isn’t easy so we’re here to lend a helping hand with these awesome hacks to make student life easier.

#1 Smarty pants

Want to sound knowledgeable in a presentation? Set up some of your classmates to ask you questions, then pre-plan some super smart answers to knock your tutor’s socks off.





#2 Final proof read

Tutors can be pretty strict with mistakes. So if you can’t afford any hiccups on a particular assignment, proof read thoroughly, then for extra security, copy and paste your final draft in to Google translate and listen carefully.

#3 Schedule some you time

When you’re busy juggling work, study and everything else life throws your way, it can be easy to forget about looking after yourself. But it’s the most important thing you can do. Taking downtime will make your work and study time so much more productive, so literally write it in to your schedule.

It can be taking a walk, going to the gym, or catching up with friends – it really doesn’t matter, as long as you do it!




Try this

Cupboard a bit bare? Four ingredient recipes from Taste
No clue what to cook? Try student recipes from Eat Well
Clean out of bowls? Why not microwave scambled eggs in a mug?
Done with dishes? Tortillas and pitas make great edible plates.
Need a discount? Just ask. Stacks of places have discounts for students. 


#4 Easy eats

If you’re one of those people who always knows how to throw together the perfect meal, let us know your tricks. If you’re not, we’ve put together some quick kitchen hacks and menu tips to help out.

#5 Work somewhere with free food

If you’re like most students, you’ll need a part-time job to help make ends meet. So why not work somewhere like a restaurant, cafe or bakery, who often give employees free (or discounted) meals if they’re working over breakfast, lunch or dinner. Two birds. One stone. Winning.





#6 Say “no” to sales

It might seem counterintuitive, but unsubscribe from catalogues, emails and online deal sites. Their sales and offers make it very tempting to buy something you don’t really need. It’s a classic sales tactic – and not one you can afford to fall for.

#7 BYO coffee cup

It’s no secret that plastic pollution remains a big problem. But there are ways to help. By switching up just a few habits, like ditching single use coffee cups, you can do your bit for the planet – and save a few dollars while you’re at it.





#8 Shake up your work space

Being a student means wearing a bunch of different hats. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or stuck in a rut, try mixing up your work space. Cafés are a great choice. Most have free Wifi – and of course, coffee.

#9 Know what works for you

Self-care is all about finding things that help – and sticking to them. It could be as simple as eating a decent breakfast every day, hitting the hay an hour earlier, venting to a friend or getting creative. Watch the clip for more ideas





#10 Keep up with loved ones

Being away from friends and family isn't always easy. But these days there's plenty of ways to stay in touch. Try free apps like Skype, Viber or Facetime

#11 Winning at relationships

From spending time together, to a smile in the corridor, when it comes to building and maintaining good relationships – we need to show genuine interest. Part of that is taking the time to see each away from the field, office or classroom.

Our takeaway tip:  Ask someone to help you with something they’re good at. It’s an opportunity to build trust. 





#12 Keeping heated and healthy

  • Roll out a rug: It'll help prevent losing heat through the floor. 
  • Eat your fruit and vegetables: A healthy gut means better immunity. 
  • Double glaze your dwelling: Hardware stores sell DIY kits from $10 a pane. 

#13 Download a dialect

Embrace diversity by downloading these free language learning apps. 

  • Kupu: Teach yourself te reo Māori.  
  • Duolingo: Proves learning languages is all fun and games.
  • Google translate: Instant translations, one photo at a time.
  • NZSL dictionary: New Zealand sign language, made simple.




#14 It's the little things

Here's a bunch of easy things to do to make your day-to-day life a little healther. 

  • Solid sleep: Try chamomile tea before bed for a more restful sleep.
  • Perfect your posture: A laptop stand for your desk can prevent slouching.
  • Screen suspension: Take a break from the backlight every 20 minutes.
  • Bring your bottle: Buy a big refillable bottle so you always get your daily 2L in.


#15 Savvy saving

Between student loans, ASOS and Uber Eats, saving can be a challenge. So here are some tips for boosting your bank balance.

  • Note your expenses. That way you know what you’re working with every month.
  • Set up an automatic payment. Take the thinking out of saving when pay day rolls around.
  • Set a goal. Whether it’s short term or long term, having a goal helps keep your eye on the prize.
  • Toilet train your cat. Kitty litter is expensive.






#16 Stress-less studying

When you’re studying, your stressing. And when you’re not studying you’re stressing about not studying. So here are some reminders for keeping your cool.

  • Breathe deeper: Inhale for four seconds. Hold for four seconds. Exhale for four seconds. Feel calmer?
  • Fuel up: Hunger makes it harder to retain information. Mentally fatigued? Have a bite to eat.
  • Positivity power: Be your own cheerleader to build yourself up. Say ‘I CAN’ even when you feel like you can’t.
  • Ommmm: Take ten to meditate. It’s a great way to centre yourself before you start a study sesh.

#17 Stop a bad day in its tracks

  • Encouraging quotes. Ain’t no shame in your self-hyping game.
  • Don’t roll your eyes. Even five minutes helps­­, FACT.
  • Millions of meme makers are dying to make you LOL.



Bonus hack: Apply for scholarships!

There are heaps of great scholarships out there designed to make life a little easier for students. Most universities have a scholarship page where you can search for scholarship opportunities – so if you’re stuck, that’s a great place to start. 

If you’re a student why not apply for a MAS Scholarship?

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