This article has been republished from MAS's Āki Wellbeing Hub (originally written by the Synergy Health Team)
We know exercise is good for us - but what about when you don't like gyms, pools, running or exercise in general?
Sure it would be great if we all strength trained 3-4 times per week and got super strong, but the reality is that most of us don't have that kind of time - or the desire - to hit the gym.
The solution? Focus on fun ways of moving and burning calories that don't really feel like 'exercising'!
Unless you have a very specific training requirement, generally any movement is better than none.
Ways to 'exercise' without exercising:
- Hiking, especially with friends - put on some good shoes, get out and explore, have a good chat and enjoy being out in nature.
- Walking - not enough time to hike? Start with a simple walk. Even a 15-minute brisk walk is enough time to get some air, clear your head and get your heart rate up. Try a walking meeting - a walk is often more enjoyable and productive. Bonus is that when we're walking alongside people it helps us physically feel more on the same side of things and can lead to greater solution-seeking.
- Rock climbing - not only is it one of the best arm/back/forearm workouts in existence but you also get to feel like a badass when you reach the top of the wall. Climbing routes are graded so you can keep challenging yourself as you get stronger.
- Geocaching - the adventure nerd's dream brought to life. It's like becoming a real-life treasure hunter and you can definitely work up a sweat while you're at it. There are millions of geocaches hidden around the world - there are probably some near you right now. Want to stay local? Try Digital Geocaching with the Pokemon Go or Harry Potter: Wizards Unite apps.
- Dancing - Swing dancing? Zumba? Tango? Hip hop? Flamenco? You'd be surprised at what you can sign up for and get your heart rate up. Or put on some tunes and dance the night away in your living room.
- Playing with your kids - kids have energy for days. Just try and keep up with them. Create an obstacle course, build a fort or try some hula hooping or double dutch. Don't forget hopscotch!
- Martial arts - whether it's Tae Kwon Do, Jui Jitsu, Muay Thai, Kung Fu, Karate, Tai Chi or Capoeira, there's a martial art out there for you.
- Clean - some people love it and find it therapeutic. Some of us are not big fans, in which case, make a game out of it, set a timer and see how much you can do in 10-minute chunks. Get vigorous with that scrubbing!
- Try handstands - build up some arm/shoulder strength, challenge your balance and sense of equilibrium by being upside down. Practice against a wall to begin with. Just remember to breathe...
- That thing that consenting adults do - Yeah. Do that. Self-explanatory.
- Adult gymnastics - gymnastics-based fitness classes or regular gymnastics will help you build some of the best real-world strength you can get. It's all done in a playful way without one single weight being picked up. Swing from rings, somersault, do flips on the trampoline and more. Plus it might even make you better at #10...
- Yoga - build flexibility, strength and learn to just be present in your body. There are heaps of different kinds, including acro-yoga, aerial, hot, warm and more. Add in some pranayama breathwork and away you go.
- Play video games that make you active - think old school DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) or Beat Saber. If you're playing a regular game, make a rule that you can only play while standing up, or that you have to do 10 squats or push-ups every time you die.
- Play on a playground - you can get away with this more easily if you have kids but don't be afraid to go down the slide, swing across the monkey bars or race around the playground.
- Join a social sports team - want to be active and meet people? Find a dodgeball, tennis, badminton, squash or ping pong league.
- Bike to work - you get to start and end your day with fresh air, give yourself a mental break and transition between work and home, you save money on petrol and you get a workout.
- Park at the far end of the parking lot - hey, every step counts, right?
- Take the stairs - it's only a few. We were designed to move, you can do this.
- Slacklining - all you need is two sturdy trees and a slackline. Go barefoot and have a play!
- Parkour - it doesn't matter how old you are, there's no reason you can't get starting with rolling around in your yard, climbing over a picnic table or vaulting over a bike rack...safely of course. Plus you can do it in your office...
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