Boujee on a budget

By MAS Team

There's lots to love about being a student. Although most of us don't have stacks of cash. But that doesn't have to hold you back. So what's the secret to living the baller lifestyle without breaking the bank? Here's our tips. Scott Disick, take note. 


2-minute new-dles

Same old ramen getting you down? Get creative in the kitchen. Toss in a few cubes of tender beef, a dash of spring onions and a little salt-bae sprinkling of sesame seeds – you've got yourself a winner. Then keep up your dining game with these recipes on how to make the most of your noodles. 

Pals potluck

After being separated from your mates for a couple of months, what else could bring your hearts and stomachs together like a pals potluck? Go all out and pick a theme or keep it simple and bring your best dish. Even better, offer to host and you'll be the one with all the leftovers – result. 



Facemask fantasy

We can't all afford the weekly facials of the rich and famous but we sure can try. Try whipping up your own facemask with things you've got in your kitchen. Condiments like honey and spices like tumeric are great for your skin, just easy on the tumeric or you might start to resemble Lisa Simpson... 

Sample stash

Before you commit to paying that full RRP on your next skincare goodie, grab a little sample pot first. High-end cosmetic stores like Sephora and MECCA give you samples so you can try before you buy. You never know, that super expensive face cream might not sit well with your skin after all. 




Swap, don't shop

Instead of buying all your clothes, why not attend a local clothes swap event? Or better yet, organise one with your friends. That way, you can finally get your hands on Mike's sweet threads, he can grab that top of yours and you're both being environmentally conscious. Insert flame emojis here. 

Did you say discount?

If you're going to shop remember to shop smart; sites like NZSale and Onceit have some serious discounts on popular brands, so you don't need to pay top dollar for top quality brands like Huffer, New Balance or Calvin Klein to name a few. You're welcome. 



Getting crafty

Make like the Queen of England and liven up your space with some homemade bunting. Youc ould try your hand at a fabric style if you're good with a needle and thread, or for an easier route try making it with paper and string. It'll being personality to your space without breaking the bank. 

Green spaces

Looking to bring some zen to your den? Plants can bring a nourishing energy to your space so it's worth stocking up. Props if you can keep a real one alive, but no one's judging if you pick up a plastic one from Kmart. You've got to do what you've got to do. Now, deep breath and ommmm...


We hope these simple tips and tricks will have you living your best Kardashian-Jenner hybrid life, just without the pay packet. Remember, you pretty much have a million dollars if you feel a million dollars and you're doing great sweetie. 

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