Classic Kiwi cruising

By MAS Team

When long-standing MAS Member Brent Krivan isn't looking after patients in his Paraparaumu clinic, he's looking after something a little shinier and more mechanical.

Straight out of a Hollywood movie

"Straight out of a Hollywood movie." 

That's how Brent Krivan describes his prized 1960 Ford Thunderbird, 1971 VW Beetle and 1972 Dodge Challenger. 

A GP in Paraparaumu, Brent has always had a passion for classic cars and says it stemmed from old-school American movies he and his wife Wendy would watch together.

"You watch these cult movies and see the coolest cars that just aren't on the roads anymore. Driving one feels like you've stepped into another era."

The couple bought their first classic car, the Thunderbird, in 2013, and the passion has kept growing from there. 

"The Thunderbird was bright red, a left-hand drive and stood out from everything else on the market. The Challenger was something we knew we wanted after seeing the hit movie Vanishing Point.

As for the VW Beetle, Brent simply says, "You've got to have one of those, haven't you?"


More than just a mode of transport

While the couple will use the cars for running errands, they are far more than simple a mode of transport. Instead, caring for the cars and taking them out for long drives has become Brent and Wendy's main hobby. 

"Our weekends are taken over by car things, so luckily my wife shares my passion too. In fact, she prefers to be in the driving seat.

"We spend most of our weekends pottering around, tweaking things on the cars, polishing them up and keeping them looking good. We get the skilled people to do the major things. 

"Then Sundays are for driving. We love going for a quiet, scenic drive – it's a great excuse to get away from normal life before the week begins. There's not a weekend that goes by where we don't take one of them for a good spin."


The love for classic cars has filtered into their social life too, with the couple making a point of getting away to other classic car meetings like Americarna in New Plymouth, where they meet up and drive with like-minded enthusiasts. They are also part of a local car lovers' club. 

As for getting a fourth classic car, Brent says there might not be space with three already, but "you never know". 

Summer road trips: What you need to know

If you're heading off on a road trip this summer, here are a few things to consider before you go and should an accident happen. 

Before you go

  1. Check the pressure on your tyres and their general condition.
  2. Top up your window cleaner reservoir, and fix any windscreen cracks or chips.
  3. Pack your bags securely to prevent them becoming missiles if you have an accident. 
  4. Think about getting your car serviced before you hit the road, particularly if your WOF has almost expired.

If something does go wrong

  1. It's a stressful time, but try and remain calm. 
  2. Stop your car, take the vehicle off the road if you can and turn off the engine.
  3. Make sure everyone is safe. Provide any assistance you can to anyone injured. 
  4. If necessary, send someone up the road to warn oncoming vehicles. 
  5. Clear any broken glass and other debris off the road if you can do so safely. 

Insurance claims

  1. Do not admit liability.
  2. Echange details with the other driver(s) and any witnesses: name, address, phone number and the insurance company for all drivers involved. 
  3. If an uninsured driver is involved, it's important to identify them and their vehicle. 
  4. If the Police attend, get the officer's name and ID number.
  5. Contact your insurer. 

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