How do I get life insurance?

By MAS Team

Life insurance is a way to make sure your dependents are looked after financially if you were to die. Generally speaking, life insurance is recommended for anyone who has people that rely on them financially. If you think you might need life insurance, the process for getting it is pretty simple. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of getting life insurance with MAS. 

Speak to the experts 

Give MAS a call on 0800 800 627 and we’ll set up a time for a free no-obligation conversation with a MAS Adviser to figure out what insurance will be best for you. This could be in person or via an online video call, at a time and place which best suits you. 

MAS Advisers aren’t paid commission, so they prioritise helping you find the right insurance solution. You’ll be asked things like your family and living situation, your income and the level of cover you are looking for.  

MAS Central Regional Manager David Gordon says a conversation with a MAS Adviser will focus on helping you understand what the implications would be for your family or loved ones if you were to suffer a debilitating illness or untimely death. These conversations can be confronting for some people but can help you identify “how much, how little and what type of insurance you, as a family, might want to consider,” David says. 

“People need to ask themselves ‘if the things I take for granted today weren’t there tomorrow, what would that mean for my family financially?’ There’s lots you can do to mitigate the financial impact of illness or death, but you need to think about this first.”  

David says while people have sometimes thought about what might happen to their family if they die, few people have considered what might happen if they were unable to work for an extended period. A MAS Adviser can help you work out whether there are other types of insurance that could support you if you lost your income, such as income protection insurance.  

Protection concept of hands guarding a family

Check their recommendations  

Your MAS Adviser will discuss with you their recommendations of various cover. If you’re happy with what’s outlined, you can choose to accept this. Or if there’s anything you are unsure about, you can discuss this with your MAS Adviser again.  

Apply for life insurance  

Once you’ve accepted the recommendation, you’ll fill out an online application. This will include information about your occupation, any hobbies or pastimes you have, and your health information as well as some information about your immediate family.  

This information is then sent to MAS’s Underwriting Team who will assess the risk your application presents. At this point, we may ask for more information, such as confirming details of your occupation, lifestyle or medical history.  

In some cases, or if you’re requesting a very high level of cover, we might ask you to undergo a basic blood test or medical examination. 

Exclusions and loadings  

Sometimes we may apply an exclusion or loading for a life insurance. Loadings mean you pay a higher rate for something that’s higher risk for MAS to cover, most commonly a pre-existing health condition.  

Exclusions might be applied if you have hazardous hobbies, like aviation or mountaineering. They are rarely applied for a health condition. 

You’ll have a chance to consider any loadings or exclusions, and if you’re happy with the level of cover and the costs, you accept the terms and pay your premium, and your life insurance policy is put in place. 

Occasionally, an application for cover will be deferred for a defined period of time. This might happen if you are currently experiencing a health issue, or are waiting for an operation or procedure, or for test results. Once this time is over, you can re-apply for your cover and will need to include any changes in your health or outcomes, or any tests or treatment, since your application was deferred. 

Issuing your cover 

Once MAS has let you know we have accepted your application and we have issued your policy documentation, you will be covered. 

Find out more about getting life insurance with MAS.

MAS only provides advice on products offered by its subsidiary companies. Advice is provided by MAS or by its nominated representatives (who are all MAS employees). Our financial advice disclosure statement is available on our website or by calling 0800 800 627.

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