KiwiSaver 101: put your money to work
By MAS Team
Last updated 25 July 2022
When you're still at uni – or if you've just landed your first job – retirement can seem a long way off. And if you've got books to buy or a student loan to pay off, do you really need to think about what you're going to live off in forty or fifty years? There's plenty of time to worry about that later, right?
You might not have a lot of spare cash at the moment but the sooner you start saving for your retirement, the better off you'll be in the long-term. Luckily, things are a little easier in New Zealand thanks to KiwiSaver.
KiwiSaver is a voluntary government scheme to help Kiwis save for their retirement. You make regular contributions; your employer contributes; and if you meet certain criteria each year, the government chips in as well.
Even better – you can use almost all the money in your account to help buy your first home (subject to some requirements).
Here are a few tips to help you navigate the different KiwiSaver options.
Number one on the list of reasons to join KiwiSaver – you're not alone in saving for your retirement. You may be eligible for help from your employer and the government too.
If you're contributing to your KiwiSaver account (there are options ranging from 3% up to 10% of your salary), your employer typically has to contribute 3% of your salary as well. Some employers may even contribute more.
So, if you decide to contribute 3% of your salary to your KiwiSaver account, your employer will also contribute 3%. That means you'll be saving the equivalent of 6% of your pay every payday (less tax on the employer payments).
On top of that, the government will chip in up to $521.43 each year, as long as you have saved at least $1042.86 in the previous 12 months (about $20 a week), at a rate of 50c for each dollar you’ve contributed.
Even if you haven't been contributing regularly from your pay, you can make a voluntary contribution into your KiwiSaver account by 30 June each year to bring you up to the threshold for getting the full amount from the Government. You can do this even if you don't have a job – if you're between 18 and 65, any contribution you make up to the maximum qualifies.
When you start your first job (and you're over 18), you can choose which provider and fund your money goes into. If you do not make an active choice of your KiwiSaver scheme provider, you'll be put in a default KiwiSaver scheme and in their default fund, which will be a balanced fund.
A balanced fund is suitable for those who are prepared to accept a medium level of investment risk to potentially achieve a medium return.
It's easy to just leave your money in these default funds but it's important to spend some time thinking about whether there's a provider or a fund that might be better for your needs.
Particularly if you're younger, and you're not likely to need the money for a while (either for retirement or for buying a first home), you may decide to put your money into a growth fund (more about this below). If you just forget about your KiwiSaver investment and stick with the default fund you started with, you might find yourself missing out on money at retirement you would otherwise have earned if you were in a more aggressive fund.
Depending on what stage you are at in life, it’s always best to do some research and find out what fund is the best option for you.
KiwiSaver scheme funds vary in terms of the risk they take on and the returns they might be able to provide. More aggressive funds tend to take on more risk through investing in shares and property with the expectation of higher returns, while more conservative funds will prefer cash and fixed interest investments, which are lower risk but also lead to likely lower returns over the long-term.
It's up to you as to which KiwiSaver fund you want your money invested in, and you need to weigh up a few different factors, including what stage of life you're at and what sort of risk you're comfortable taking on.
For example, if you're in your early 20's and you're not planning on buying a house for quite a while, an aggressive fund might be best – as long as you're prepared to see your savings fall as well as rise, depending on what's happening in the financial markets.
But if you're planning on buying your first home in the next two to three years (or you're nearing retirement) – and you're likely to need to withdraw your money – you should consider going into a more conservative fund so you don't risk having to withdraw your savings when their value has fallen in a market slump.
Depending on your KiwiSaver scheme provider, you funds can be actively or passively managed.
Actively managed funds are looked after by investment managers who analyse markets and companies to inform decisions on what investments to buy or sell. Passively managed investments usually follow market indices (basically, the decisions are made by a computer rather than a real person).
The opportunity of actively managed funds is that you have a manager making choices for you, and they might be more alert to market and individual company risks and opportunities that the indices don't pick up on. On the downside, managers charge for their expertise so you will probably end up paying more in management fees than you would compared to a passive fund.
So you've chosen your provider, decided on what type of fund you want to be in, and locked in how much of your earnings are going into your KiwiSaver account each payday. Now you can sit back and watch your money grow, right?
Well, sort of. Because your needs will change over time, it's a good idea to set up a reminder every year or two to review your investment strategy.
Is it time to get serious about buying a house? Then you might want to boost your contribution rate and change your risk by going into a more conservative fund.
Have you bought a place and now want to reduce your contributions while you knock the mortgage on the head? You might want to change to a more aggressive fund while you're at it.
There's a lot to think about, so it's important to get advice to figure out what's best for you.
To organise an appointment with a MAS adviser at a time and place that suits you, contact us online here or call the MAS team on 0800 800 627.
These appointments are completely free and MAS advisers don't get paid any commissions.
Medical Funds Management Limited is the manager and issuer of the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme. The Product Disclosure Statement for the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme is available here.
Please note: This article provides general information only and is not a substitute for professional and individually tailored advice. Please speak with a MAS adviser before making investment decisions.
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