twentyone: cookies for good
By MAS Team
Who are you and what do you do in your day-to-day job?
I'm Alanah, part of Member Support Centre (MSC) at MAS.
Who did you help today?
I wasn't able to make the HUHA street appeal so I supported them on the day from our Johnsonville office by making 60 cookies and swapping them for a donation. Staff members could text HUHA to donate $3 or give cash. I raised $132.20 in cash for them and they received plenty of texts! It was my way of helping out without leaving MSC understaffed.
Why did you choose them?
HUHA do so much amazing work with animals in Wellington and also support the community with the vet services.
What did you do?
Baked cookies all night.
What did you enjoy most?
Giving back and being able to get the entire office involved on the collection day.
What did you learn from the experience?
There's always a way to give back and sometimes you need to think outside of the box.
How can I help?
Text HUHA to 4463 to donate $3 or you can volunteer if you're Wellington-based.
Comment on this Facebook post (or on any other of our advent calendar posts) and like our Facebook page before 24 December, and be in to win a $500 prezzie card or one of five $100 prezzie cards or one of five Bum Bag Survival Kits!
We'd love to hear your stories about wonderful organisations, amazing people, and initiatives in your community. Tag them in the comments and tell us what makes them special.
This December we want to celebrate all those generous and kind-hearted people out there who contribute to the greater good, give their time and help others. Here at MAS, each staff member is given one day per year to give back to community. They pitch in for a wide variety of organisations and causes and we'll share their stories as our #masforgood advent calendar.
19/12/2019: A group of staff from our Head Office got together and spent their day taking care of gorgeous puppies for HUHA!
Dave Letele is the founder of BBM Motivation, a not-for-profit health and fitness program which found demand for its food bank services surging during the pandemic in 2020.
23/12/2019: Amanda has been donating blood since she was just 16. For our #masforgood advent calendar she donated platelets. Here's how that went.