Taha whānau
By MAS Team
One in five Kiwis experiences a mental illness each year. Almost all of these people will recover or live well with the right tautoko (support).
Te Whare Tapa Whā is a model of health that helps us identify where we need extra support. It describes health as a wharenui (meeting house) with four walls. These walls represent:
Connection with the whenua (land) forms the foundation. When all four walls and the foundation are strong, we feel strong too, including our top two inches (our mental wellbeing).
Taha whānau is about who makes you feel you belong, who you care about and who you share your life with. Whānau is about extended relationships – not just immediate relatives. It’s your hoamahi (colleagues), friends, community, and the people you care about. You have a unique place and a role to fulfil with your whānau and your whānau contributes to your wellbeing and identity.
Spending time with whānau, doing things for them and getting involved gives you a feeling of purpose, connection and wellbeing. As a core source of strength, support, security and identity, whānau plays a central role in your wellbeing.
Expert physiotherapist Tania Clifton-Smith knows plenty about what can go horribly wrong when we don’t breathe properly. The field has rapidly expanded from its early roots, focused on hyperventilation.
Taha tinana is your physical wellbeing. It's about how your body grows, feels and moves and how you care for it. It's important to take care of and nurture.
We all strive for excellence and there are some key disciplines we can follow in order to achieve success.