About the calculator
Our calculator helps you plan for your retirement or for the purchase of a first home. If you’re over 18, you can use it to:
Work out if you’ll have enough income for your anticipated retirement needs
Estimate how long your KiwiSaver investment could last after you retire
See the difference contributing to your KiwiSaver member account now could make to your retirement in the long run
Help you work out how much might be available to put towards the purchase of your first home
The KiwiSaver Calculator has three simple steps:
Set income in retirement
Start thinking about the lifestyle you would like in retirement and the income needed to support this.
Add your details
Tell us about yourself so we can estimate your KiwiSaver member account balance at retirement.
See your results
Your results will help show what your income may look like in retirement.
This calculator provides information based on standard industry assumptions and is not intended to provide financial advice. Outputs do not necessarily relate specifically to the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme or any other MAS-managed investment scheme. Projections will differ to those shown in the annual member statements. This is not a substitute for professional and individually tailored financial advice. It does not take into account your personal objectives, situation, or needs. The results are not a representation of actual entitlements or benefits from any particular KiwiSaver scheme and are not intended to be relied on for the purposes of making a decision in relation to a financial product. You can find all the assumptions used in the KiwiSaver Calculator here.
The information you input into this calculator will not be used or stored by MAS. Please see the MAS privacy statement here for how we collect information from your website visit via cookies.
Medical Funds Management Limited is the issuer of the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme. The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme is available here.