Your Investments in one place
Check your balance
Switch funds and change how your future contributions are invested (individual and joint accounts only)
Update your account details
Easily access tools and resources
Link a child account

Check your balance
You can check the balances of all your MAS investment accounts through the MAS Investor Portal.
All you need to register is your individual MAS Member Number, which you can find at the bottom of your communications from MAS. If you don’t know what your Member number is, give us a call and we can help you out.
For trusts, companies and other entities invested in MAS Investment Funds, responsible persons can use their individual MAS Member Number to check an entity account balance. You will need to contact us directly if you do not have a MAS Member number. |

Check your tax rate
Your prescribed investor rate (PIR) determines how much tax you pay on your investment returns.
Getting your PIR right is important as you could end up having to file a tax return to reclaim overpaid tax or to pay under-paid tax.

View your transactions
You can view all your transactions including contributions and withdrawals by logging into the MAS Investor Portal.

Make a withdrawal
MAS KiwiSaver Scheme and MAS Retirement Savings Scheme
You can withdraw money from these Schemes if you meet certain conditions. For example, you want to buy your first home, or you have reached the required retirement age.
MAS Investment Funds
You can generally withdraw your savings at any time. After your withdrawal is processed you must maintain a minimum balance of $500 to keep your investment account open.

Switch funds
It’s important to invest your money in the right MAS Funds for your circumstances. For example, Growth, Balanced, and Conservative.
Our Fund Finder can help you find the fund that best aligns with your risk appetite and investment timeframe.
If you're thinking of changing funds, you may also want some advice from a MAS Adviser before you switch.
If you decide you would like to switch funds or change how your future contributions are invested it's easy - individual and joint account holders can do this online in the MAS Investor Portal.
For trusts, companies and other entities invested in the MAS Investment Funds you will need to complete a Switch and Future Investment Strategy Change Form. |

Bring your savings home
If you have a superannuation (pension) fund overseas, you could bring this money to New Zealand and invest in the MAS KiwiSaver Scheme or the MAS Retirement Savings Scheme.
Medical Funds Management Limited is the manager and issuer of MAS Investment Funds. A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the Scheme is available at mas.co.nz/investmentfunds.