First things first - congratulations on moving to one of the best countries in the world. Of course we'd say that, but we reckon you'll love it here too.
While it's all very exciting, it can be equally overwhelming and a little confusing at first. And that's where we come in. Whether you're in the planning stages or you're already here, we can make the move a little easier and help you turn your to-do list to done.
If you have any questions or want to talk to us, our International Relations Adviser, Andy Schlaffer, can be contacted directly on +64 21 278 1098 or you can email Andy here.
Before you arrive in New Zealand
If you're a doctor, you'll need to register to work as a doctor in New Zealand. You can do that, plus find out more about our medical system at
You'll need to apply for a working visa. Check out the Immigration NZ Skills Shortage List to see which one would suit you. Head to
Got questions around transferring your pension over? We can help with that. Just fill out the form and we'll get in touch.
Take the hard work out of creating your 'Moving to NZ to do' list. Answer a few simple questions at and receive a personalised task list.
You'll also need an Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number for tax purposes. Find out more about that at While you’re there, take a look at the Foreign Investment Fund Tool to figure out what impact your rental property at home might have on your taxable income here.
It’s worth getting up to speed on the different kinds of resident visas we have. Permanent Residency lets you travel in and out of NZ without restrictions. More at
Get all the paperwork together that you might need before you leave. Having things like insurance claim history documents handy could save you lots of time when you’re sorting things at this end.
Look into what advocacy groups you could join. One that’s definitely worth checking out is the NZ Medical Association.
Before you start practising take a look at what indemnity protection is available. The Medical Protection Society is one of the world's leading protection organisation for doctors and healthcare professionals.
Talk with your employer about any entitlements. Most international Medical Graduates working at an NZ DHB get a 6% contribution to their Retirement Savings Plan.
To get an idea of rental and property costs around the regions have a look at TradeMe, New Zealand's equivalent of ebay.
Once you've arrived in New Zealand
Need to get the kids into school? Find the closest schools to you at You can also search and find the latest Education Review Office (ERO) report on early childhood and schools across the country.
Don’t forget to convert your Driver’s Licence at your nearest NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) driver license agent.
Making friends in a new country can take time. But getting out and about will help. Check out and to see what’s going on in your local area.
New country means lots of new things. House, car, work equipment…protect it all with MAS.
Helpful tip – don’t underestimate the New Zealand sun. It’s very strong and contributes to us having the highest ratio of skin cancer patients per capita. So slip (on a shirt), slop (on some sunscreen) and slap (on a hat). You can visit for the times when you'll need the most protection from our sun.
Chances are you moved over here to experience more than just our hospitals. So be sure to get out and experience all NZ has to offer. This list of must-do’s is a good place to start.
Quickly get your head around our weird and wonderful vocabulary. Below's a helping hand to get you started.
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